As you can see from the title, [GA] recruitment is officially opened. We only need one [GA] so we will choose the best from many.
What do you have to do? It's simple: complete the form below in a reply to the thread and wait until the applications will be closed and we pick the winner.
Good luck and may the best one win ^_^
A) Personal information:
1. Full Name:-
2. Age + Date of birth (day/month/year):-
3. Country/City:-
4. Languages you fluently speak:-
B) Short interview:
1. Since when do you play Cabal Online?
2. Why do you want to become a [GA]?
3. Do you think that you have what it takes to be a part of the SEAL staff members?
4. Have you ever been a staff member before?
5. Since when do you play Cabal SEAL and what is your IGN/Level ?